A Passion for the Possible To Be Of Service Purpose/Mission Wellness Coach Rev. Smokie Smokie on Maui Energy Medicine and More Favorite Links

for people and animals and ... everything that God created.

If God created us all, then all of us can benefit from a dose of Universal Life Energy when our energy systems have been compromised by illness or stress or emotional challenges.

And since our physicalness is of the same substance as Mother Earth,
then all of us can benefit from what Mother Earth has to offer.

I honor and treat both our spiritual nature and our physical manifestation.

I am a Reiki Master

attuned & trained in channeling
the Universal Life Energy
that sustains, energizes and heals us all.
I am also schooled in other healing traditions such as Therapeutic Touch,
Qi Gong and

I also believe
in the power of Mother Earth
to help us help ourselves.


I have a body.  This body needs to be maintained so that I can enjoy this Life I am Living longer.  This body is aging and I do not do a very good job of taking care of it.
  One of the things I have learned is that quality is the key to effectivieness and consistency.  I have finally come to recognize the superior quality of Shaklee products and I am willing to pay a reasonable price for this quality.
  It is remarkable - the role good nutrition plays in keeping this body as healthy as I can keep it without too much work or money.
  So do yourself a favor and come to Shaklee thru me.  As a Shaklee member in my group, you and I will work together to tailor a health & wellness program for you and your loved ones.
  Healthy Living IS Easy - when you know how ... and that's what you and I will figure out together

Mother Earth's Brand

Reiki is a wonderful, non-invasive method for connecting universal life energy with the body's innate powers of healing.
Reiki augments and speeds up the healing process inherent in the body.
It promotes balance, harmony & wholeness.
Reiki is used by many nurses in many health environments such as hospitals and hospices. Some Catholic orders use and teach Reiki.