Rev. Smokie
A Passion for the Possible
To Be Of Service
Wellness Coach
Rev. Smokie
Smokie on Maui
Energy Medicine and More
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My God is a big God ...
bigger than any book or manuscript
... bigger than any religion.
The God I know is a loving God. He/She does not exclude us from this love just because we think differently, look different or are different. The God I serve loves us just the way we are.
I am an Ordained Minister by Universal Brotherhood in the non-traditional tradition of spiritual service persons.
My ministry accepts each person as an individual who is on her or his own "path" - a unique expression of Life.
Getting married? Coming to Maui?
How romatic to be married in paradise! I am registered by the State of Hawaii to perform weddings.
I also do funerals (for all of God's creations) and any other spiritual service/ceremony/ritual that you require or desire.
"Acknowledging God requires that we strike a balance between seeing the world as spirit and honoring the material forms that spirit has taken on."
Ron Roth